dental health

Best New Year’s Resolutions For Your Dental Health

When we think about making a resolution for the new year, we tend to revolve around our health, fitness, and wealth. Resolutions can be hard to keep, but when you find a good reason, make an effort, and create good habits, your resolutions can be easier to pursue and stay put. One New Year resolution…

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bad breath

Prevent Bad Breath With Dental Cleanings

You may try to cover up bad breath with things like gum, breath mints, and mouthwash, but these are only good at masking odors temporarily. If you notice (or if someone else has) that you have consistent bad breath, you may need to look at the root cause. Constant bad breath is likely an underlying…

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tooth pain

Dental Crown Tooth Pain: What You Need To Know

Dental crowns can cover and protect a damaged tooth effectively, but that doesn’t mean you’re clear of tooth pain or infections. A crowned tooth can have just as many issues as a normal tooth. There are plenty of reasons your dental crown might hurt and give you constant discomfort, sensitivity, or pressure where the crown…

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