tooth needs to be extracted

How Can You Tell if a Tooth Needs to be Extracted?

Getting a tooth extracted is a common dental procedure if you are dealing with severe tooth damage or decay. It is designed to eliminate bacteria and improve your overall oral health. Taking good care of your teeth before and after the procedure is imperative to make sure you heal as fast and well as possible.…

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root canal or tooth extraction

Which is Better: Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?

With any tooth issue, there is usually a certain procedure that is recommended over others. That is true for root canals and tooth extractions as well. Over 15 million people a year get root canals done while surgical tooth extractions are the most common surgical procedure performed in the US. Each dental treatment comes with…

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bad for your teeth

Here’s Why Soda is Bad for Your Teeth

Most people, even younger kids, know that soda isn’t the best thirst quencher for your oral health. Even if you are an avid brusher, the sugar content can be quite intense. American Heart Association recommends that women and children should consume less than 25 grams, or 6 teaspoons, of added sugars daily, while men should…

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