dental implants

Veneers vs. Dental Implants

April 3, 2023

Veneers and dental implants are excellent modern dental options for helping improve your smile, replace missing teeth, and improve your oral health. 

It is essential to work with an experienced cosmetic dentist who understands modern restorative procedures and will be able to help you create a beautiful smile you love. But first, you must determine your dental goals, what dental restoration procedure would be best for you, and what works for your budget.

We want you to look and feel your best and feel good about smiling ear to ear. Below we will discuss veneers and dental implants and the advantages and disadvantages of both.

What are Veneers?

Dental veneers are custom-made and will fit over the front surface of your teeth to help conceal chips, stains, cracks, and other cosmetic imperfections. Depending upon your goals, various types of veneers are available, and they have become one of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments

Dental veneers are ideal for anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their smile and has the following issues:

  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Diastema is a gap or space between your teeth
  • Stains that don’t come off with professional teeth whitening
  • Worn down teeth
  • Misaligned or misshapen teeth

However, veneers are only an option if you are free from gum disease and excessive cavities.

Types of Veneers

The most common types of veneers include:

  • Porcelain veneers are custom-made to fit your tooth and can address various aesthetic imperfections. Your dentist prepares the tooth by removing part of your enamel and roughening the surface of your tooth to ensure that the veneers stay in place.
  • Composite veneers help conceal minor cosmetic issues, and your dentist will use a natural-colored composite resin similar to what is used for dental bonding to get the desired effect.
  • No-prep veneers are a less invasive option and custom-made for your teeth; however, your dentist usually does not need to remove the same amount of tooth enamel as traditional veneers. Ask your dentist if no-prep veneers are a good choice for you.

Advantages of Dental Veneers

If your dentist says you are a good candidate for dental veneers, they offer significant benefits, including:

  • They appear the same as your natural teeth
  • They dramatically improve your smile
  • They resist staining better than your natural enamel
  • They don’t require any additional maintenance
  • They have a long life span of 10 to 15 years with proper care
  • They are less invasive than dental implants as they are attached like glue rather than surgically embedded into the jar
  • They can be used to improve your entire smile and facial appearance

Disadvantages of Dental Veneers

Some of the disadvantages of dental veneers include the following:

  • Your dentist will need to remove some of your natural tooth enamel
  • Most types of veneers or not reversible
  • Your teeth may be more sensitive to cold or heat
  • Occasionally a veneer can become dislodged or fall off if you grind or clench your teeth in your sleep, which can cause unwanted breakage and shift. 
  • Most insurances do not cover veneers as they are considered cosmetic 

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants serve various functions, including replacing missing or decaying teeth and enhancing the appearance of your smile; however, they can also assist with chewing and speech.

Your dentist will take x-rays to determine if you are a good candidate, as dental implants require surgery. Your dentist will place a metal post into your jawbone, which will grow to create a solid base for your implant. You may be a good candidate and want to consider implants if you:

  • Have a strong jawline
  • Have one or more missing teeth
  • Have good oral hygiene
  • You are not a smoker
  • I will commit to several months to complete the implant process

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants are ideal for some patients and have many advantages, including the following:

  • They feel and look like your own natural teeth
  • They improve speech, and you don’t have to worry about them slipping the same way dentures may
  • They are permanent and more comfortable than removable dentures
  • They allow you to eat quickly and without pain
  • They improve your smile and self-esteem
  • They are easy to maintain with regular flossing and brushing
  • They are durable with most lasting a lifetime
  • They are very convenient, and you don’t have to worry about removing them
  • They improve your entire smile and facial appearance
  • Contrary to popular myths, they offer long-term stability and are safe with proper care

Disadvantages of Dental Implants

There are a few disadvantages of dental implants, including the following:

  • Most insurance companies will not cover dental implants
  • The process of installing dental implants is time-consuming and requires surgery
  • Not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants
  • The healing process takes 6 to 12 weeks
  • Increase the risk of infections and peri-implantitis unless you follow proper care guidelines and attend all follow-up appointments with your dentist

Deciding Between Veneers and Dental Implants

Your dentist might recommend a dental implant if you lost a tooth due to infection or injury, as they are a more permanent option than dentures or a dental bridge.

Dental veneers, however, are only an option for someone who has not lost their teeth as they are applied to the tooth’s surface. An experienced cosmetic dentist can help you decide if porcelain or a resin veneer is best.

Are You Ready To Find Out More About Improving Your Smile and Oral Health? Carrie Muzny DDS Is Here To Help

At Carrie Muzny DDS, our experts offer professional and compassionate dentistry for the whole family. Our services include restorative and cosmetic dentistry, professional teeth whitening, surgical procedures, and preventative dentistry in The Woodlands area. 

Our team utilizes modern technology and advanced training to ensure you get the smile you’ve always dreamed of, and we are committed to focusing on each patient’s specific needs. Contact us today to book an appointment or consultation to experience exceptional dental care.

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