porcelain veneers

To Sip Or Not To Sip: Can You Drink Coffee With Porcelain Veneers?

July 31, 2023

Porcelain veneers can make your smile look amazing! If you have porcelain veneers, you may be wondering if it is OK for you to drink coffee or not. You probably think that your dental veneers are made of porcelain, so they are most likely rather durable, and you are right.

However, even though porcelain veneers are durable, they can become stained beverages such as coffee, red wine, or other dark-colored drinks. If you’re a regular coffee drinker with porcelain veneers, it’s a good idea to find out how to protect your investment best and keep your beautiful bright white smile.

We are here to help, and below we will cover more about coffee drinking with porcelain veneers, tips on keeping them stain-free, and what to do if they become discolored.

What Can Stain Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are significantly more stain resistant than our natural teeth; however, just like our teeth, they can still become discolored with enough exposure to certain pigments and substances. Beverages and foods with darker pigments and tobacco products can stain your veneers over time. Anything that can stain your natural teeth can also stain your veneers.

It’s important to remember that temporary veneers will stain more easily than permanent veneers, so you want to avoid coffee while in transition and waiting for your final porcelain layers. 

The Best Way To Drink Coffee When You Have Porcelain Veneers

Most people aren’t thrilled about abstaining from drinking their favorite beverages, including coffee. The good news is that you don’t have to give it up to keep your beautiful white smile. There are some simple things that you can do to help protect your dental veneers and reduce the risk of them staining, including:

  • Using a straw can prevent any of the coffee or other pigmented beverages from touching your teeth
  • Drink water right away to help rinse away any coffee residue

Keep reading to ensure you keep your veneers in optimal and stain-free condition.

Tips For Keeping Your Porcelain Veneers Bright And White

We understand that abstaining from the drinks and food you love may be unrealistic. Whether you are drinking coffee, we want you to have the best chance to keep your veneers in ideal condition. Here are some tips to help you protect your surfaces from staining.

  • Make sure you brush your teeth about 20 minutes after coffee with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste after drinking coffee or wine and other pigmented foods such as berries and beverages.
  • Practice good oral hygiene, brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily and rinsing with mouthwash.
  • Don’t smoke tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars as they can stain the cement used to attach 11 years to your teeth.
  • Limiting or avoiding pigmented foods and drinks Such as tomatoes, berries, tea, wine, and coffee.
  • Schedule regular cleanings and checkups with your dentist every six months. 

Porcelain veneers have many advantages and are an investment of time and money on your part, and you want to ensure they stay bright and white for as long as possible. You don’t have to give up coffee to do it either; make sure you follow the guidelines given to you by your dentist for caring for your dental veneers.

What To Do If Your Porcelain Veneers Become Stained?

Most patients don’t develop any noticeable staining during the lifespan of their veneers, especially if they follow the guidelines given to them by their dentist. However, luckily your dentist will have solutions should they become stained. Your dentist can clean and whiten your porcelain veneers using tools or methods like veneer polish, specialized toothpaste, and more.

Most veneers don’t usually respond to typical whitening treatments or store-bought products, so it’s not an issue you can address yourself. Sometimes veneers must be replaced if they don’t respond to your dentist’s professional teeth whitening treatments.

Love Your Coffee and Your Porcelain Veneers! Seek Expert Care at Carrie Muzny DDS!

We love helping our patients get the smile of their dreams! Porcelain veneers are just one of the options available to help you achieve the look you want and feel good about. We are happy to create a personalized treatment plan to help you reach and maintain excellent oral health and have an amazing smile.

At Carrie Muzny DDS, our expert team of highly trained dentists provides family dentistry, preventative and restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, professional teeth whitening, and surgery for families in The Woodlands area. We use modern techniques and technology to ensure our patients receive the best results, and we treat all of our patients with kindness and compassion.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment or consultation, and we help you achieve optimal oral health and a smile you love!

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